In the end, share very deservedly took home the prize, but we are still very proud. The nomination recognized our commitment together with the association CEF – club of engineers and friends e.V. to partners in Kenya and in our immediate neighborhood.
The award rewards companies – from the smallest to the largest – in six different categories for their pioneering role. The competition was fierce! For example, we were up against other large companies; such as the Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR), Capgemini, share and Netze BW GmbH.
We took away three learnings from the event and the presentations:
1. we are on the right track!
2. all nominees are working toward the same goal: creating social justice – and that is inspiring.
3. being sustainable pays off.
Our journey toward sustainability is still in its early stages! But we have already gained good momentum and are very excited about the next stages.