“Today we are shaping the (green) industry of tomorrow"

This guiding principle shapes our work. Sustainability issues and how we can do business in a way that is beneficial to life are therefore at the top of our daily agenda. We consider sustainability in its three dimensions of environmental, social and governance (ESG criteria) and are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations, the principles of the UN Global Compact, legal requirements and various certifications.

Sustainability in three dimensions


We attach great importance to transparency and sustainable management with regard to the natural resources we require for our business activities. We measure and record relevant data. They provide us with information on where we can improve further. We want to use resources even more efficiently and promote environmentally friendly practices to reduce our ecological footprint. To achieve this, we are constantly rethinking tried-and-tested practices. We are on our way and are taking it one step at a time.


For us, social sustainability is an integral part of who we are. It reflects our commitment to go beyond financial success and make a positive impact on employees, customers and society at large. Our collegial leadership culture in a diverse, inclusive work environment enables employees to experience self-efficacy. This not only promotes their own well-being, but also increases motivation and loyalty to our companies. In addition, we are actively committed to social engagement, supported by our own NGO: CEF-help


Our corporate culture is based on strong values, humanity, integrity and sustainable corporate governance. Governance aspects such as transparency, ethics, compliance, independence of the Board of Management, and compliance with laws and regulations play a central role here. Sound governance is crucial for sustainable business and responsible management. You can find out more about how we ensure our standards are put into practice here.

Our objectives for a changing world

We are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. They are the core of the 2030 Agenda, which for the first time identifies social, environmental and economic aspects as equally crucial for sustainable global development. B.I.G. has identified the four SDGs with which we as a group of companies can make the greatest contribution as part of our sustainability strategy.

Sustainable growth is particularly important to us. We strive for this both internally and in cooperation with our predominantly local suppliers. We have set out our principles in our own Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

We are focussing our corporate investments on sustainable business areas such as new agricultural technology or mobility solutions in the medical sector. At the same time, we are also focussing on ecologically sustainable, socially acceptable cooperation in our campus design.

Social justice is essential for us, regardless of background or identity. What matters most to us are individual skills and commitment to our vision of an autonomous, sustainable economy. We actively pursue equality at various levels: through fair distribution of responsibilities, supported by flexible working arrangements and the concept of collegial leadership.

We are committed to sustainable consumption and production patterns - from order-based production to comprehensive customer service and maintenance. We have set ourselves specific goals to continuously improve our resource utilisation, waste management and circular economy.

Our ratings and certifications

Both as a group and as individual B.I.G. companies, we have successfully passed various sustainability ratings and certifications. This allows us to put our efforts to the test and recognize where we stand.

SAQ - a sustainability standard of leading car manufacturers - above-average rating with 80 % of the possible points

Ecovadis – Rating multinationaler Unternehmen – Bewertung mit Silber

ISO 14001 – international environmental management standard

Charta Der Vielfalt Neu
B.I.G. participant UN Global Compact

Our engagement in organizations

Achieving more by joining forces – that is the philosophy of the Berlin.Industrial.Group. That’s why we like to be part of larger organizations and strive to do our part for a better world.

Our reports, guidelines and principles

Sustainability report

With our first sustainability report for the 2022 reporting year, we have embarked on a new path of transparency. For us, this is just the beginning – an up-to-date picture of the Group on the way to a future fit for grandchildren.

Human rights and environmental protection

We respect human rights and the environment in everything we do. This policy statement supplements the current B.I.G. Code of Conduct.

B.I.G. environmental policy

We want to keep our impact on the environment as low as possible. We identify and evaluate the environmental aspects relevant to us, derive environmental targets and programs from them and use measurable parameters to check how far we have already come.

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