21. March 2024

Politicians explore Marzahn: Neighbourhood walk at B.I.G.

Political representatives explored Marzahn on a guided tour to discover sustainable construction projects and innovative agricultural initiatives. The tour offered insights into various areas of sustainability and showcased B.I.G.'s social and ecological endeavours.

Members of the Bundestag, the Berlin House of Representatives and the District Assembly found out more on a neighbourhood walk through Marzahn. They learned a lot about the planned construction project at the Marzahn S-Bahn, visited Flexim and the B.I.G. The walk was organised by the IHK Berlin as part of its current Sustainability Week. This week-long series of events is dedicated to the various dimensions of sustainability, which include economic stability and a company’s social commitment in addition to environmental protection.

Tom Lüders introduced B.I.G. and explained our efforts in the area of social sustainability, in particular our approach to collegial leadership and self-organisation, which is still by no means the norm for most companies. We also presented two innovative start-ups on our campus that are developing pioneering solutions for agriculture: Escarda and Lite+Fog. Escarda enables herbicide-free farming on a large scale through the use of laser technology and artificial intelligence. Lite+Fog focusses on vertical plant cultivation and thus multiplies the area under cultivation.

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